Today I'm going to be talking about my July Favourites! I was debating if I should call this post my July Favourites or My Current Favourites because I'm not exactly sure if I will be doing a Favourites Post each month because I usually like the same few products for a good 2 months or so. So I'm not promising a Favourites Post each month.
July Favourites!
Bed Head TIGI Superstar Shampoo & Conditioner for Thick Massive Hair
I love these! For one they smell great, personally I think the Shampoo smells like Strawberry Calpol and the Conditioner smells similar. They do what it says on the bottle it gives you gorgeous Thick Massive Hair and every time I use these my side fringe always sits perfectly afterwards. I also love the pink packaging! I got mine from TK Maxx which always have higher end haircare for great prices but they don't always have the same things in, so really its a hit and miss but you should really check out TK Maxx because they always have some great Hair Care ranging from TIGI, Macadamia and Toni & Guy.
Clinique Clarifying Lotion

definitely going to be buying another! - Cliniques Website!
High Beam by Benefit
Oh my I do love this! I have the mini high beam that I got from a mini set called Full Glam Ahead! which I bought from Sephora while I was on holiday! You gotta love mini's. I do love this though it gives you a lovely glow, I like to apply this on my cheekbones and a little on the bridge of my nose, cupid bow, inner eye corner (whats that bit called again aha) and my brow bone.
Collection 200 Lasting Perfection Concealer
The famous concealer and it deserves all the hype! It is an amazing Concealer. I use this for under my eyes as I have really bad dark circles. I use shade 1 - Fair. - You can get this from Boots for £4.19
O.P.I Polish Remover
Do you ever hate when you get that cheap Nail Polish Remover that was only 99p but you have to use one cotton pad for each nail? Well not this one I know this is not a cheap 99p nail polish remover but its worth it! At the most you need 2 cotton pads soaked in the polish remover for both of your hand and your done. It leaves your nails feeling smooth and soft and when it drys it doesn't smell of horrible polish remover. You can buy this from ebay and various other sites but on BeautyBay.com it costs £6.10 for the 120ml.
Victoria's Secret Fragrance Mist in Secret Charm
This for one smells great and its also a easy great mist just to spritz on before you leave the door. Victoria's Secret has lots of different fragrances to chose from but my favourite is Secret Charm "a bright bouquet of fresh honeysuckle captivated by soft jasmine." - Victoria's Secret Website - You can buy these from Victoria's Secret for $12, 3 for $25 or 5 for $30
Coralista Blush By Benefit
This Coral Blush is a Gorgeous colour that I sweep onto the apples of my cheeks everyday! I do really love this blush. You can buy this for £23.50 from Benefit.
This Coral Blush is a Gorgeous colour that I sweep onto the apples of my cheeks everyday! I do really love this blush. You can buy this for £23.50 from Benefit.
I apply this lip balm before I go to bed and while doing my makeup to keep my lips moisturised before I apply Lipstick (yes I have started experimenting with lipsticks) or sometimes I just wear the balm. I prefer Lip balms in a stick form rather than a pot because I feel its much easier to apply and I hate getting my fingers all lip balmy? So this is great for my I do recommend the Nivea lip balms as they are very moisturising. You can get them at most supermarkets for around £2 - £3.
Maybelline the Mega Plush Volum' Express Mascara
Another well spoken about product on blogs and youtube in America. Unfortunately you can not buy this in the UK just now but you can in the U.S (where I bought mine) This Mascara give your lashes amazing Volume and Length. I think Maybelline has the best drugstore mascara's and this is one of them. I think you can buy this in the U.S for around $7 $8 in CVS and places like that.
Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter in 090 Sweet Tart
This is a gorgeous colour for people that want to try a bright lip but are still a bit shy because you can build it up to be bright or you can keep it nice and light. I would call this a Bright Warm Pink but there are lots of different colours to choose from. You can buy these from Boots for £7.99
I've also been enjoying listening to Wiley | Heatwave feat. Ms.D I can understand why some people may hate this song but I think its a great song to sing along with your friends and have a wee dance.
I've also been enjoying watching youtube videos of people doing beauty swaps this is when two people send packages full of products that the other may not be able to get in there country. I would love to be able to do this with someone especially someone from the U.S because a lot of there products you can't get where I live.
I hope you enjoyed reading my July Favourites and please comment below what some of your favourites are this month and anything else you would like to say I do love reading comments they are well appreciated:)
love Emily xx
(I do apologise that half through this the font changes but I cannot seem to see what its changed to or how its changed but I do apologise If it has bothered anyone.)
This post was so fun to read!❤ I always splash water everywhere! Xx I really need to try out the coralista blush ❤
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm not alone! x you really should I think its a great a blush and if you dont like coralista there are plenty other benefit blushes to suit everyone!<3 (we really should visit the benefit counter next time we go shopping!)
DeleteI love the way you edited this post, I'm a fan of quite a few of these products too! And I always get water in the floor :S xxx
ReplyDeleteGreat post !
ReplyDelete3 words LOVE THIS REVIEW well done :)
I'm an instant follower of you now :)
Please feel free to check out my blog if you have the time
p.s Check out my first Rire Boutique Giveaway !! :)
Yep, gotta love minis :) Only way I can afford some things! I have two of the lip butters too, they're great!
I love all these products!x
ReplyDeletePlease check out my blog:
I might try the Bed Head TGI Superstar Shampoo and Conditioner, maybe my fringe will finally sit the way i want it to!
ReplyDeleteI loved this review, can't wait to read the next one :)
I really recommend it, I think the best place to get it is amazon because they have the best price that I've seen for it so far x
DeleteI love the layout of this post!
ReplyDeleteaw thank you, I've been playing about with my layout and editing of my pictures to see what I like :)